13 private links
Skiff Mail is end-to-end encrypted email that protects your inbox and gives you the power to communicate freely.
See also:
Receive and send emails anonymously
With email aliases , you can be anonymous online and protect your inbox against spams and phishing. Open-source. Made and hosted in Europe.
一个开源的匿名邮箱别名服务,你可以用它的别名邮箱注册网站,订阅 newsletter,接收和回复邮件,所有邮件都会转到你的真实邮箱。用它可以隐藏你的真实邮箱,防止垃圾邮件的骚扰。
它的免费服务允许 10 个别名,也可以自托管。
See also:
Got Your Back (GYB) is a command line tool for backing up your Gmail messages to your computer using Gmail's API over HTTPS.
NodemailerApp is the ultimate cross platform email debugging app.
App includes local SMTP and POP3 servers, a sendmail replacement, catchall email domain service, AMP4Email renderer and it imports emails from EML files, EMLX files, large MBOX files from Gmail takeout, Maildir folders and Postfix queue files for inspection and preview. Ever wanted to view the actual HTML source of a nicely designed email instead of some garbled rfc822 text? Just open the HTML tab of an email to see it.
如今不少网站都开启了 Newsletter 以供读者更加方便地获取信息,它们大多以每周、每日精选的形式为你推荐值得一读的消息。也有不少付费栏目会以邮件的方式给会员发送订阅内容。订阅过多的 Newsletter 容易导致邮箱被塞爆,有用的私人邮件、工作邮件反而不好找。
如果你也遇到了这样的麻烦,不妨试试本文提到的 7 种方法,让你既能享受优秀的 Newsletter 管理和阅读体验,也可以拥有一个干净清爽的收件箱。
Convert email newsletters into Atom feeds
- https://temp-mail.org/zh/
- https://email.ml/ 支持多个域名地址,一小时有效,使用技术栈为 Cloudflare Workers + Nuxt
- https://etempmail.com/ Temp Mail - Free Edu / .COM Temporary Mails 免费临时教育邮箱
匿名邮件服务 Anonymous Inbox Service
Mailinator is a public email service. The biggest difference from other email services is that you do not need to sign up to use the public Mailinator site. Nobody owns any inbox because they are all public. Any email you read here can be read by anyone else in the world. In other words, Mailinator is a website that accepts emails for absolutely any address @mailinator.com.
See also: